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2. How to use the eCompendium?

The eCompendium can be used in very different ways depending on who is using it and for what purpose.

Reference Tool: At its core the eCompendium is a user-friendly compilation of state-of-the-art information on all tried and tested emergency sanitation technologies. Hence it can be used as a structured reference tool for WASH practitioners and capacity development institutions to easily find information on specific technologies, cross-cutting issues or key terms used in the sector. Basically, a more interactive version of the hard/softcopy publication. 

Filtering of Technologies and Rapid Decision Making: Using the filter bar at the top of the ‘sanitation technology’ section can be another potential entry point particularly for WASH practitioners and decision-makers that allows reducing complexity and pre-selecting only those technologies that are suitable for a specific scenario or context. Based on concrete site settings (like e.g. the phase of emergency for which a technology solution is needed or the in- and output products involved) the number of potentially suitable technologies can be considerably reduced to a more digestible size and makes technology selection easier. The categorisation of technologies used for each of the filters should not be seen as fixed and incontrovertible and may vary under certain local conditions. The categorisation is rather meant to support rapid informed decision making and is a complement to, not a substitute for, sound professional judgement.

System Configurator: The system configurator is a powerful online application that allows the eCompendium user to develop his/her own sanitation service chain (or system respectively). By clicking on a technology of choice the configurator will automatically show all remaining technology options prior and after the respective technology based on the input and output products they require.

Watchlist: Specific technologies or X-cutting issues of interest can be put on a separate watchlist (by clicking on the asterisk next to each technology) either to safe it for later, for print out or to share and discuss it further with colleagues. The watchlist can be accessed by clicking on the red star on the upper left corner. For each technology a 2-page pdf-document is available for download or print out.
